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Stones & Fire logo featuring elegant typography and a design symbolizing handcrafted jewelry, rare minerals, and eclectic gifts
Natures Fine Art  

Fine Mineral Gallery

“In a single stone we can perceive the masterpiece of creation.” - Pliny the Elder 79 AD

Featured Specimen


A rare mineral, Autunite, first discovered near Autun France in 1852 occurs as an oxidation product of uranium minerals in granite pegmatites and hydrothermal deposits.  It is famous for its beautiful florescent color under UV light.

Autunite is a radioactive specimen and contains very small amounts of Uranium.  

Stones & Fire logo featuring elegant typography and a design symbolizing handcrafted jewelry, rare minerals, and eclectic gifts
Fine Mineral Specimens 

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We Buy & Trade Minerals

Do you have a mineral specimen or Gemstone you feel we would be interested in?  Send us an evaluation request.     

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